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Venegas family

story by Ryan Long



Missi Venegas said that her son Vicente sometimes whines when he has to go to school, but when the bus comes his attitude changes. Both Missi and her husband Jose want to provide the best education for Vicente.


Jose Venegas works long hours stripping tobacco in a dank barn, outside Lebanon. Working from job to job, Venegas takes work wherever he can find it to support his family. Venegas said it's difficult not knowing when he will be out of work and when the next job might come.


Jose and Missi Venegas look over photographs sent from Jose's relatives. Photographs are all that their son Vicente has seen of his extended family.


Vicente Venegas heads out to visit his grandparents, who also live in Brookhaven Trailer Park.


Hand in hand, the men of the Marion County Detention Center sing "Jesus Loves Me," during a service led by members of the New Beginnings Community Church.


Scott Cissell's irreverent scarecrow greets passersby along Route 84 just outside Raywick. "You gotta know how to pick your pumpkins," said Cissell,"the flat ones make the best butt cheeks."