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Dr. Sabra St. Germain, Veterinarian

story by Yoko Furukawa



Dr. Sabra St. Germain, a veterinary at All Paws Veterinary Services, examines a dog at her clinic.


Dr. Sabra St. Germain, 55, a veterinarian at All Paws Veterinary Services, spends some time in solitude after a busy day. She loves to do meditations and just be alone without any human beings or animals around for an hour or two hours of her days, Germain said. She usually listens to her favorite music and drinks a cup of tea. She sits at the porch and completely isolates herself. She does this when she wakes up in the morning and after a long day of working.


Dr. Sabra St. Germain, a veterinarian at All Paws Veterinary Services, takes a short break at the end of a long day. She had two surgeries in the morning, groomed two dogs, and then checked to see if any of her female dogs were in heat.


Raymond "Bud" Hamilton of Springfield, Ky., tries to get Lucy the parrot to use his hand as a perch, but the bird just got nervous. Lucy took a few nips at Bud, but he kept at it and she eventually hopped on board. His daughter, Kim Hamilton, 18, came to see puppies at the clinic with her mom earlier that day. She came back with her dad to get a male toy poodle, Kim said. She has had four dogs previously, but never a male dog.


Nicole Hines, 2, hangs out with her family in front of the house before dusk. She collects fallen leaves with her brother, Tyler, 1, and runs around with him. Her grandmother, Jeanie, 59, has to carry around an oxygen tank to help her breath, so Nicole's parents have to smoke outside. They all love to spend this time together.