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The Frey Family

story by Trevor Frey



Mary Lucas combs her 9 year old daughter Meaghan's hair, at 6:50 am, before boarding the school bus with her siblings Joseph and Amber, background.


Amber, Joseph and Meaghan Lucas load onto the school bus at 7am Friday morning, in their driveway on Sulpher Lick road.


Mary Lucas holds her 15 month old son James after her school age children boarded the school bus. Mary was attempting to feed James his breakfast when he began to escape his high chair and ended up hugging her.


Sisters Amber and Meaghan knock hardened corn off the cob that will be fed to chickens, after they complete they go witghgh the rest of the family to feed their horse, Barney.


After feeding their horse Barney and mule Jewel Mark Lucas and his oldest son Joseph make their way back to the house. "We're all lucky," Said Mr. Lucas. "He's (God) blessed us with health so far, and with my job."


12 year old Josephh Lucas walks down Sulpher Lick road with his dog Nelly and BB gun. Lucas spends most of his time after school "piddling outside," as his father Mark says. "He's the King of piddling. He'll go out to feed the horse and be gone three hours and forget to feed the horse."


A waking cat of John F. Jones stretches on the afternoon of October 19, on Hwy. 52 in Loretto, Ky. Jones retired in 1990 nearly as soon as he got his farm paid off. Nowadays he piddles around in his yard fixing and seeling lawn tractors. "You work like hell all your life for things you think you need," said Jones. "And as soon as I got them I decided I didn't need them anymore."


Amber Lucas, 6, jumps into a pile of leaves her sister Meaghan, 9, background, raked up. The girls live at the end of Sulpher Lick road in west Marion county. Their mother allowed them outside to play only after homework was completed.