Pigeons swoop the roof top of the "Court Block" building at dusk on Main Street.
Bingo has a variation on Thursday when center members play for kitchen items and food supplied by the local diabetes education program.
Francis Marion "F.M." Warren, 90, is framed by a notice of the national flu vaccine shortage that has caused a complete cancellation of scheduled shots at the center in Lebanon.
Youngster Larry "Bootie" Mattingly, 61, a new member, is the designated daily bingo caller at the Senior Citizen Center. He is also the center's biggest cut-up, peppering his friends with a ribald sense of humor.
Nina Mae Cecil, 87, left, and Imagene Payne, 66, don't mince words or hide their emotions; a surprisingly simpatico duo at the center. Payne describes herself as mean, but Cecil gets along with her just fine.
Francis Marion "F.M." Warren, 90, left, and his wife of 66 years, Ilda, 85, ease themselves into their car to head home from another day at the Senior Citizen Center.
From left: Tori Porter, 19, heads out to Wal-mart with friends Kellie Thornton, 19, and Angel Stone, 18, who helped her finish some chores so that her mom would let her go.
James Hughes, 62, left, reaches for tip money while fellow pre-dawn Cedarwood Restuarant patron Joe Pittman, 70, right, watches TV.
James Hughes, 62, left, reaches for tip money while fellow pre-dawn Cedarwood Restuarant patron Joe Pittman, 70, right, watches TV.
Brianna Robertson, 4, left, and Kamerion Hall, 4, play with Halloween decorations outside their housing project.
Trey Downs, 5, left and his next door neighbor Brianna Robertson, 4, use brooms to rake rain soaked leaves from the walkway of the Hamilton Heights housing project.
William C. "Kelly" Mattingly, 84, left, stops in at the center dressed for a funeral, and finds Larry "Bootie" Mattingly, 61, (no relation) in costume for the Halloween party.