Mark Peach, the Anderson County High School football coach, blows his whistle as he watches his players squat on the ground and complete sandbag hand-offs. Students are on fall break, but the players still had to attend practice. "Monday is sort of a relax day," Peach says.
Head coach of the Anderson County High School Bearcats, Mark Peach, left, and Duane Hammons, right, lay a rubber floor for the new weight lifting facilities at ACHS. Duane Hammons, right, helps "That looks good there Duane." Peace said.
Coach Mark Peach, left, of the Anderson County High School Bearcats in Lawrenceburg Ky., sits at Tony's Barn BBQ eating lunch. Chris Tamez, right, is an assistant coach to the Bearcats.
Mark Peach, the Anderson County High School football coach, wrestles with his five-year-old son, Brett, when he returns home in the evening. "Are you getting tired, Brett?" Mark Peach asks. "I give up, I give up." Brett says.